[quagga-dev 16688] libzebra.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error in Quagga installation
2017-12-25 00:41:59 UTC

I am trying to modify quagga source code. Before modifying the source
code, I tried to compile and install the quagga on my Ubuntu machine

I am using this link
to compile, adding quagga user and running bgpd daemon on my machine.

But when I enter bgpd & command in the terminal I got this error:

bgpd: error while loading shared libraries: libzebra.so.1: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

Any help please? I use the last version of quagga source code too from

Paul Jakma
2017-12-26 16:04:48 UTC
Post by shahrooz
I am trying to modify quagga source code. Before modifying the source
code, I tried to compile and install the quagga on my Ubuntu machine
I am using this link
(http://www.routingloops.co.uk/cisco/how-to-install-quagga-on-centos-6-5/) to
compile, adding quagga user and running bgpd daemon on my machine.
bgpd: error while loading shared libraries: libzebra.so.1: cannot open shared
object file: No such file or directory
Any help please? I use the last version of quagga source code too from
Some kind of issue in installing the software.

If you're installing on CentOS, the following is probably the best way

(non root user):

make dist
rpmbuild -tb ./quagga-<version>.tar.gz

Then use rpm or yum to upgrade the RPM package.

Paul Jakma | ***@jakma.org | @pjakma | Key ID: 0xD86BF79464A2FF6A
Flee at once, all is discovered.
2017-12-26 16:39:03 UTC

Thamnk you Paul,

I am trying to install in Ubuntu. I resolved the problem by using this
command :
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib

Now, I have some other problems. When I install quagga by "sudo apt-get
install quagga", I can activate my required daemons in
/etc/quagga/daemons. But by compiling and installing quagga, I do not
have many of previous options. For example, I do not know how can I
start my services or restart them because I have nothing in /rtc/init.d/
related to quagga!

Other problem is that I can run my bgpd services by "bgpd &" command and
connect to that by "telnet localhost bgpd". But I can not connect to
that by vtysh! I got this error: Failed to connect to any daemon. I use
quagga, root, my default user to run bgpd and vtysh but nothing again.

Is there any document about defining prefix, neighbors etc for BGP after
compiling, making and installing quagga from source code?
This(http://xmodulo.com/centos-bgp-router-quagga.html) is a good
tutorial for wirking with quagga and is perfect. But for the option you
install quagga by "apt-get install quagga"
Where I can find my questions answers? Please help me. Thanks
Post by Paul Jakma
Post by shahrooz
I am trying to modify quagga source code. Before modifying the source
code, I tried to compile and install the quagga on my Ubuntu machine
I am using this link
to compile, adding quagga user and running bgpd daemon on my machine.
bgpd: error while loading shared libraries: libzebra.so.1: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
Any help please? I use the last version of quagga source code too from
Some kind of issue in installing the software.
If you're installing on CentOS, the following is probably the best way
make dist
rpmbuild -tb ./quagga-<version>.tar.gz
Then use rpm or yum to upgrade the RPM package.
Flee at once, all is discovered.
Balaji Gurudoss
2017-12-26 16:54:01 UTC
Execute sudo ldconfig and then try executing the binaries
Post by shahrooz
I am trying to modify quagga source code. Before modifying the source
code, I tried to compile and install the quagga on my Ubuntu machine
I am using this link
to compile, adding quagga user and running bgpd daemon on my machine.
bgpd: error while loading shared libraries: libzebra.so.1: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory
Any help please? I use the last version of quagga source code too from
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